bea. inpadi GMS Monitor

inpadi Monitor is build to be as easy as possible.
First time the inpadi GMS Monitor starts, it will find services that is set to automatic start and is running. It automatically adds them to the monitoring list.
The monitor list for services is called: MonitorServices.txt and is placed in the GMSClient directory (Program Files\Tachodata\GMSClient).
If you would like to add a service to monitor, then you simply put the simple service name on a new line in the file.
If the server does not query for a job in 30 seconds, it's marked as down.


If you would like to ping hosts you simply create a text file in inpadi GMS Clint directory that is named "ping.txt" containing the desired hosts.

If you would like to URL test you can create a text file in GMSClient directory that is named "URL.txt" containing the desired URLs.

inpadi Monitor monitors all fixed disk and alerts when:

inpadi GMS Monitor monitors Application and System logs for Error and Warnings and send them to inpadi GMS server. There is a ruleset for which events that trigger an alert - The triggers are at the moment controlled by inpadi ApS - in a future version customers can control this for their own systems.

You can control inpadi GMS Monitor from GMS.TD - it's at the moment a internal use at Tachodata - GMS.TD uses the same access restrictions as the monitor - but it's not limited to monitor clients.

It's also in the GMS.TD client you can see history of monitored services.

Alerts are handled but the actions in a file called: AlertTo.txt


Module example:

First line must start with:Monitor*:*:*[yourTestNameScriptID]*:*:*
Last line must be:*****END OF TEXT CHUNK*****
The monitor program / script must be placed in same folder as GMS-Client.exe is running from.


@echo off
echo Monitor*:*:*EH-Random-Test*:*:*
echo Service MonitorTest RUNNING
echo Service SomeOtherTest Not_Running_Due_To_Some_Reason
echo *****END OF TEXT CHUNK*****

On GMS server in the client, a file with then name: monitor.db
must exist and follow the syntax: scriptNameOnClient::timeBetweenLoopsIfJobExits
Example of monitor.db:

You can specify a max scriptrun time by adding extra field "::" in monitor.db file.
Default max runtime is 5 minutes!.
Example of max runtime of 10 minutes:

Note - a monitor job does not need to stop - just follow the syntax with start and end line in job and then you decide when data should be returned.
Valid time units are "ns", "us", "ms", "s", "m", "h".

A Monitor.rul rule should exist that can match the monitor output - RexEx must return two outputs, a service name and a result that can be compared to the Monitor.rul rule

Monitor.db can have lines with NeededFile= for download files from web sites to client.
Monitor.db can have lines with ClientFile= for download files from Client folder on server.

Profiles can be created in [Custommer/_AlertProfiles] and must end with .profile.
A profile is just like AlertTo.txt files with mail:: sms:: action::

New - 2018-12-11: Nested profiles:
Profiles can now contain profile::/custommer/_AlertProfiles/alert.profile
If the same sms/mail etc. is in the list - the first match will be used! - This is important when setting alert time window.

New - 2018-12-11: Alerts send window:
Alert profiles can now be exteneded with "open time to send/window" time - this is done after each alert line and will only have effect on mail:: and sms:: lines.
Example: sms::45XXXXXXXX::CET*Sat, 09:00|21:00*Sun, 09:00|21:00*06:00|22:00
Note: Line is split by *
CET is the timezone - CET is Central European Time and CEST is Central European Summer Time etc. (No - dayligt saving is currently not supportet!)
Sat, 09:00|21:00 says that Saturday from 9 to 21 is ok to send alerts.
Sun, 09:00:21:00 says that Sunday from 9 to 21 is ok to send alerts.
06:00|22:00 is fallback time, if the day is not listed before. - If no fallback time is set it assumes that fallback time is: 00:00|23:59
If some conversion error occours - it will ALWAYS fallback to 00:00|23:59 - so if your timewindow dows not work double check and write a mail to

Hyper-V Replica monitor: